Saint Martin of León with Saint Isidore

17th or 18th century

According to a vita of St. Martin, the saint left a monastery in León that was embroiled in controversies with the bishop and asked to be admitted to a nearby abbey of the Canons Regular that was dedicated to St. Isidore. The St. Isidore monks refused him, but relented when St. Isidore himself appeared to them and insisted that they take him in. He later appeared to Martin and gave him a book, saying that God had sent it for Martin to "eat and drink" (Acta Sanctorum, April vol. 1, 330).

In the painting Isidore appears on a cloud in his episcopal mitre and cope and hands the book to Martin. The latter wears a cape over a rochet. "An over-tunic usually made of fine white linen (cambric; fine cotton material is also allowed), and reaching to the knees." -- Catholic Encyclopedia. It has tight-fitting sleeves, unlike the surplice worn by secular priests According to the website of the Canons Regular, the cape came into use in the 18th century. The Wikimedia page for this painting, however, dates it as 17th century.

Read more about images of St. Isidore of Seville.

Source: this page at Wikimedia Commons.